My Vision Versus God’s Vision

My vision: Don't even get me started. But God’s vision: I don't know....

I am a sexaholic who has been given sobriety from sex addiction, and I know that I can't keep it unless I give it away. So for starters, my vision must be to help sexaholics. That's all I’ve got actually. I need the Twelve Steps to stay sober and therefore to live. If I’m not sober, I’m dying--both spiritually and close to physically (because of suicide talk that always is on the table when I relapse).  So because I need to work the Twelve Steps to live, I need to give away whatever I have in Step Twelve.

At best, my life is a case of unmanageability.  I can't give that away. I can't talk time management for example, or  goal setting. But I can talk lust. In a broken and stumbling manner, I can say "Lust is what we need to surrender."  That's all I can offer. That's my vision. If you want to talk about lust, I am your guy.