Group Service is for all

You can be of real service to our Group, whether you hold a service position or not. There is work to be done every week and your contribution is much appreciated. Such service is part of the unselfish, constructive action, which is so important for our recoveries. Getting involved helps us all to feel part of the Group. This is especially so for newcomers, who should be actively encouraged to join in the work.

Service for every Group member includes:

  • Arriving early and helping to set up - putting out chairs, etc..
  • Greeting people as they arrive at the meeting.
  • Putting away chairs at the end of the meeting.
  • Helping with the washing up.
  • General cleaning up after the meeting.

If you do not yet have a service position, please ask our Secretary or our General Service Representative (GSR) what needs to be done.


  • If you hold a service position but are unable to fulfill your weekly commitment, for any reason, please inform the GSR immediately, so that cover can be arranged.
  • To ensure the smooth running of the meeting, it is important to fulfill all service positions, as they are described in this guide.
  • Suggested sobriety times reflect the degree of experience needed to fulfill each service commitment. They are a guide rather than an inflexible requirement.