287 Spiritual Speed Bumps

Batch 29 #287

”…we slowly learned that something had to be done….” (12&12, p.47)

Speed bumps; I hate them! I should list them as a prime resentment. I resent the fool who invented them, the idiot who decided where to place them, and the jerks who put them there. But then I’d be forced to look at why they upset me, what character defects I have, and why I resent all those people.

My sponsor suggests I need to slow down my thinking processes. I have a tendency to experience a thought or feeling without taking time to explore what is behind it. I admit to being somewhat heavy-footed as I travel the recovery road. I want it to be an interstate down which I can sail in the left lane with my cruise control set slightly above the speed limit. 

As I force myself to slow down for life’s spiritual speed bumps, I notice things I have never seen before. That oak tree is beautiful; when did they put it there? And what a panoramic view from the top of this hill!

Perhaps speed bumps are not so terrible after all. Whether on the highway or my spiritual journey, times when I must slow down can be more than just a nuisance. Maybe they can be occasions for me to rest, enhance my appreciation for life’s beauty, and be lifesaving experiences as I “trudge the road of Happy Destiny.”

Sometimes quickly—usually slowly, Higher Power, I thank you.