Work It

It Works When I Work It

In the past few days I've been waking up early, praying, making a call, reading a few pages of Alcoholics Anonymous literature, making a gratitude list, and then getting to work. At work, I pray and surrender frequently. I don't talk much anymore because I don't need impress people. Neither do I have to talk to every woman in my office. If a woman looks at me, it does not mean that she wants to act out with me.

I attend a meeting every day. Wherever I am, I go to the nearest meeting--Sexaholics Anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous, or Narcotics Anonymous. Today I sat alone at an SA meeting and just read some AA literature. I read that love is like the sunlight: The sun doesn't decide to shine it's light on only the good people and leave the bad people in darkness. The sun loves everyone equally. So there is love in nature and there is love all around me.

When I get back home, I do a end-of-day inventory, check in to my WhatsApp groups, and get to sleep as soon as possible.  I surrender temptations quickly, and my temptations are lower than when I was actively lusting.

Sexaholics Anonymous Gives Me Hope

Probably the main reason I'm in Sexaholics Anonymous is my constant extreme depression, anxiety, fear, self-loathing, and worry.  I could be given the simplest task to do at work, and it would scare the heck out of me, but I have learned that these go away in a few hours if I pray and attend a meeting.  By the end of the day, I feel hope and not despair

The work what I've been doing at my office has been very easy in the past few days, and today I got an offer to handle much larger work and have my own team. I was scared and worried at the thought. I also heard that the manager on that work made people work very late at night, and the team is filled with girls that I lust after. But I prayed and focused on my work, and by the end of the day, my thoughts literally changed to: "It won't be that bad," "I'll be guided through everything,” "It's a learning opportunity," "I might have fun!” “Wow, my own team!” What made my thoughts change from despair to hope? God did! And I’ve learned all of these things through Sexaholics Anonymous.

Medication and depression free at last