Sexaholics Anonymous in Belgium

The SA fellowship in Belgium was started in 2008 by four members who could not stay sober in another  sex addiction fellowship.  Today, SA in Belgium has two linguistically and culturally different groups; one in Flanders (Dutch speaking) and one in Wallonia (French speaking). The Flemish SA groups have united in the Flemish Intergroup (IG), and  the Walloon groups joined the French-speaking IG (with France and Luxembourg). Currently we have one French-speaking group in Brussels with five to seven members.

Brussels also has an English-speaking group with about four or five members. And very recently a women-only group was started, which currently has two members..

There are four Flemish SA groups:  two in Louvain, one in Antwerp, and one in Ghent. These groups have 15-20 members in total. Antwerp also has a small English-speaking group.

In 2010, Flanders asked if it could join the UK & Ireland Region. We could not have imagined that the UK & Ireland Region would open itself up to other Intergroups and eventually develop into EMER (the Europe and Middle-East Region of Sexaholics Anonymous).

The Flemish and Dutch (Netherlands) IGs have cooperated to organize Step Workshops led by members who have long-term sobriety; these were in  2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013. The success of some of the workshops became the inspiration for our annual EMER annual Speaker Workshop Weekends, held in October and November.

We have also developed public information for therapists and other professionals and for active members of the Catholic Church. We have provided and and staffed information tables at mental health fairs, and we have worked with the press for anonymous articles on sexual addiction and our solution. Our handful of longer-sober members are also very active in the French-speaking IG, or in EMER, or on the International level.

Our society is becoming more anti-religious and anti-marriage almost every day. Today I read that more people have a legal substitute for marriage than those who have a marriage.  In SA we have the solution; and we would love to find others who can join us in carrying the SA message.