EMER Literature Committee

Mission Statement   

To promote the use of multilingual SA literature and audio recordings in carrying the message in Europe and the Middle East.

Committee Responsibilities

  • Lobbying for all SA copyright materials to be made available for print on demand worldwide.
  • Providing materials, information and support for Intergroup literature committees and officers.
  • Facilitating the production of new literature, on topics like break out meetings and welcoming newcomers.
  • Surveying all SA literature currently available in any language, including any translations under way.
  • Maintaining an accurate database of all literature and translations in the Region.
  • Maintaining contact with SAICO about literature and translations in the Region.
  • Connecting translation committees in different countries with each other.
  • Facilitating the production of new translations and the selling of SA literature via the EMER website.
  • Providing materials, information and support for all translation committees in the region.
  • Making SA literature available in regular or specialist bookstores throughout the region.
  • Expanding our Audio Library with more recordings in more languages and more record.
  • Making the fellowship more aware of the Audio Library.
  • Investigating the feasibility of SA digital radio.

Committee Documents (Only members explicitly granted permission can access)