
You can go anywhere where alcohol is present, if you're in a fit spiritual condition and you have a good reason to be there. So I'm not trying to demonize alcohol or pornography. It is just the thing that lights up the brain.  And it's going to light it up, even if you're in fit spiritual condition. A fit spiritual condition allows me to deal with the reality that my brain has lit up. If I'm in a fit spiritual condition, I can carry the message wherever I need to carry it.

We live in a society, which not only condones drinking, it promotes it. Our advertising is geared to drinking. Major advertising brains are involved in the liquor business and they create clever, fetching, attractive, seductive advertising. Life is good but what makes it better? Alcohol...or whatever lights up the brains of people with sexual compulsitivities.

The devil always comes dressed in his best clothes. She's got a ten dollar bill in her mouth and she's driving a new Corvette convertible. That's the devil coming dressed in his best clothes to me. It ain't a whisky bottle, it's how I'm going to get to the whisky bottle. I find that the devil gets even more subtle as time goes by. Alcohol is subtle. I'm not scared of it, it's just always going to be there. So I need to remain in a fit a spiritual condition. If I start my day with the 11th, 7th and 3rd steps and, striving for love and tolerance, live my day with the 10th step, and close my day with the 11th step at night, I'm going to be in a fit spiritual condition. If I don't, I'm just going to start that subtle slide.